




In 2022, the global economy was significantly impacted by the repeated outbreak of COVID-19, the shocking conflict between Russia and Ukraine, energy crisis, and long-lasting inflations. As a result, the global steel and ferroalloy markets remained depressed, with global crude steel and pig iron production decreasing by 3.87% and 3.43%, respectively, according to data from the world steel association from january to november 2022. china's pig iron production decreased by nearly 6 million tongs, a decline of 0.87%, and steel production decreased by 0.8% year on year. despite this, China ramains the country with the largest total steel production and demand for imported non-ferrous minerals in the world. Customs data showed that China imported 29.93 million tons of manganese ore and 15 million tons of chrome ore in 2022.

In 2022, to meet the production demand of our core downstream factories, Reliant Resources continuously optimized the variety and structure of imported manganese and chrome ores, with the aim of ensuring stable supply and production chain. The company adheres to our core principle and value not engaging in market speculation and self-operated as the business philosophy, and imported nearly 1 million tons of manganese, chrome and other raw materials throughout the year. among them, 900K tons were manganese ore, mainly supplied by South32, and the company also established cooperation relationships and stable suppl chain with other well-known global suppliers such as Jupiter, Umk, and others from Brazil, Zambia, and Nigerian sintered ( high silicon )ore, Reliant Rseources completed procurement contracts for core customers in Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Henan, Guizhou, and other regions to reduce cost and improve margins. In addition, the company also procured nearly 100K tons of chrome ore, including mainstream South African ores and Madagascar ores and powders, all of which have strong competitiveness in the market. In the second half of 2022, the company advanced to procure zircon sand, importing more tha 600 tons, and achieved mutual benefits and win-win cooperation with downstream customers, receiving unanimous praise and high recognition from partners.

Looking ahead to 2023, Reliant Resources(Rui Long Yuan in Chinese)will continue to grow the base, targeting to procure 1-1.2 million tons manganese and 300K chrome ores and expand to other non-ferrous ore business. We sincerely invite you to join us in creating a bright and better future together !
